Monday 6 October 2008

Criss cross braids with only 1/2 of the hair

This is just like THIS hairstyle, with only 1/2 of the hair. That is the nice thing about hair, you can change one style by just doing it on half the hair or doing the same style on either side of the hair.

Start by parting the hair in the middle and pulling each side into a ponytail. Braid down the hair, now here is my tip. When I am braiding, I pull the braid over to the other ponytail to see where I need to end my braid. I don't like having to redo things. Secure the braid with an elastic.

Now, take the braid and flip it over so the end is by the opposite base of the ponytail. Pull a section of the elastic up and slip the end of the braid under the elastic.

Do the same with the remaining braid.

Now you just curl the ends, or make them spikey. If I did spikey ends, I would have done the hair that was left down straight. Since I curled them, I curled the ends. I like consistency.

Slip some bows in and there you have it.


Thursday 2 October 2008

Puffy Braids with Braids

Part the hair on the side or the middle. I parted on the side and took it to a gradual part to the middle of the nape of her neck.

Part from the crown to the ear and pull into a ponytail.

Braid the ponytail and pull up another section of hair. Combine the braid into the ponytail and secure with another elastic.

Repeat to the endof the hair.

Then repeat on the other side.

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Sunday 28 September 2008

Tidy Braids

Someone requested that I share how I keep their braids so together. Here you go!

Here is that soaking wet ponytail again.

And here it is all gooped up with product.

Section it into three parts. Try to make them even

Then just braid. I hold my braids tight...some people braid loose, some braid tight. I belong to the latter group. It's all about preference.

Just keep going. Notice the parts under the braid are starting to get unruly. Since I MUST have order, I take care of that by running my comb down each part.

Then just proceed to the end.

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Friday 29 August 2008

Braid Flower

I came across a blog a couple of days ago where the woman made a comment in regards to my blog..."she probably thinks that she thought of these hairstyles herself."

So let me set the record straight on that. I don't think I thought of these myself. I watched my mom do my little sisters hair. She had AMAZING ringlets that her sweet daughter inherited. I had stick-straight hair and very little of it so I was always coveting those curls. I watched her braid it, fish-tail it, etc. I started doing little girls hair when I was about 9 years old and I started babysitting for a hairdresser. I was able to do her three daughters hair. She taught me a lot. I learned from her. I learn from watching movies, especially teeny-bopper shows. I see hairstyles in parks and libraries and my daughters schools and I emulate them. I learn from friends, neighbors and family members. Some times I will think I have thought of something myself and I see it being done already. It is hair. Saying I thought of it first is like saying there is only one great chocolate chip cookie recipe. It just isn't possible.

So today, I will show you one that I used from another blog. First I saw THIS post by Jenn, who has become a wonderful friend, and I loved how she did the loops. Then I saw THIS post and loved the braids. So I combined the all up into a ponytail and then did the braid flower. See...not original. But it fulfills the purpose of this blog...and what I assume is the purpose for all of the other hair blogs that are share ideas.

Basic Instructions:

Pull the hair into a tight ponytail

Using pomade, braid the hair into five equal sized braids...make sure to end the braids the same distance down

Pull the braid into a loop and push the ends of the braid through the shown HERE

Repeat with each of the braids.

When I had them pulled through, I used my flat iron and curled the ends and then I used a pliable putty (by Garnier of course) and pieced them out.


Wednesday 30 July 2008

Butterfly Hair

A new family is moving across the street from us. They came to our ward (congregation) on Sunday and her daughters had their hair done like this. They called it butterfly hair, because it looks like butterfly wings.

Divide the hair into four ponytails.
Braid each ponytail down to the end.
Secure with an elastic but before you let go, take the elastic and pull it up over the original ponytail.
Repeat with each braid.
Top off each ponytail with a pre-made ribbon.


Saturday 19 July 2008

I'm back...and how about some criss cross braids.

Whoa, that was longer than I thought. I beg for forgiveness. We have had swimming lessons each day this week at noon and it just didn't make sense to do my girls hair twice a day, so instead they have resembled orphans.

Today there was no swimming lessons. WOOT!

This was going to start out as two braids pulled together. I have been doing just my regular standbys lately, but we decided to take it up a notch. It turned out pretty cute. You could do this with six braids as well. SO fun!

Part the hair into four sections.

Braid down as far as you can. I did an upside down braid this time.

Secure each section with an elastic.

Then, if you numbered the braids 1...2...3...4, you take braids 1 & 3 together and secure them with an elastic.

Then comb the hair under smooth and spritz with some hairspray.

Then secure braids 2 & 4.

Tie a ribbon around each braid.

Curl the ends under.


Sunday 22 June 2008

Basics...Indian Braids

Since summer is here, I am featuring some of our standby's for playing in the sun. This one is UBER cute under a bike helmet, swimming or just so your daughter can look little girly.

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Monday 5 May 2008

I don't know what to call we'll go go with criss-cross braid on top.

I am in a crazy busy hurry today. I have loads to you get a picture tutorial.


Sunday 4 May 2008

Heidi of the Alps...With a Twist

I did this one early last week. We were originally going to do a normal "Heidi" hairstyle. It wasn't working out very well. So we improvised and I LOVE IT!

When I did this I used the large thick covered elastics that don't have the metal piece connecting the pieces.
Wet hair thoroughly
Apply heavy hold hair gel
Part the hair at a slant to the crown
Pull each half up into a ponytail
Wet the ponytail again
Braid about 3 inches to the bottom
Secure the braid with a clear elastic
Loop the braid up and pull the covered elastic out and pull the bottom of the braid through until the clear elastic is plush with the fabric looked super cute pushed into the side and not on top
Piece the ends out and use a flat-iron to form the spikes
Tie a ribbon around the elastics

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Sunday 16 March 2008

Braids to Ponytail with a Center Part

Sometimes my kids can pull off a center part. I started this one with the intention of French Braids, but I was told that no French Braids were allowed today, so we went with two braids to a ponytail. This one is pretty self-explanitory; I did secure each braid with an elastic before I pulled them back and I ended up leaving the elastics in, the flower covered them up. Plus I was lazy.

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Side Braid to Ponytail

*Hairstyle submitted by Laurie

This is Little Londynn. Londynn is going through a braid phase right now so her mom has to come up with all sorts of variations. Here is one in particular.

Section the front part of the hair from the part to the opposite side of the part.
Braid the hair back to where your ponytail will be. Secure with an elastic.
Comb hair smooth to the ponytail and pull the braid to the ponytail.
Secure with an elastic.
Place a bow or ribbon in the hair.

Thanks for your daughters picture Laurie! We miss her!

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Thursday 28 February 2008

Two Braided Buns

Separate the hair into two high ponytails.
Divide each ponytail into two sections.
Braid each section down and secure with a clear elastic.
Wrap one braid around the base of the ponytail and secure with a bobby pin.
Repeat with the other sections.
Tie a ribbon around the base to hide the ends.

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Wednesday 27 February 2008

Single Braid

Sometimes simple is so sweet. Today is picture day and we have learned from past picture days that simple is the best and most classic hair to do. From the front it just looks like her hair is pulled back.


Wednesday 6 February 2008

Ballet Buns

I love the shape of the princesses head. It is so perfect for buns. She has the head of a ballerina.
Pull this hair into a tight high ponytail. Soak the ponytail with water and separate it into three segments. Braid each segment as far down as you can and secure it with a clear elastic. Then take the braid on the right...or left...I just did the right one first. Wrap it around the main ponytail and secure it with a bobby pin, do the same with the left braid. Then take the middle braid and wrap it around the side you started with. The ends aren't so pretty because her hair isn't long enough to tuck it under and have it look pretty, so I wrapped the ribbon around the base. I love the upside down ribbon in this hairstyle.

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Heidi of the Alps

My mom used to do my little sister when we were little. She was the only one of us who had hair long and thick enough to do it. I was so jealous! Now that my babies have hair, I am focusing my unrequited love for this do onto them.
