Tuesday 27 January 2015


It has taken me awhile to write about this subject and I also have a family medical crisis that I am dealing with, so blogging time has been difficult to fit into my schedule. I shared with the world on my Stay Healthy Fitness Facebook and Instagram that I was gearing up for my 50 club first experience at having a colonoscopy.  I took my husband a few years ago and all went fairly well, and I have also been re-assured by many that the prep is the worst part and the rest would be a breeze.  Sadly, this was not my experience.

Let me share that I have a very high pain threshold, had both of my children without drugs or epidurals, and in general it takes a great deal of discomfort for me to complain.  The prep for the colonoscopy was horrible, and I nearly vomited up the Moviprep solution each time I had to drink it.  I expected that so I was prepared that this was not going to be fun, and within an hour of drinking the solution, my frequent bathroom visits began.  It felt like self-induced stomach flu of the worst kind and I retreated under several blankets after each run to the commode. I had to drink more solution at 3:30am and continue the toilet runs up to the time of leaving for the hospital at 7:30am.  Needless to say by the time I was done, my poo looked like pee, and I lost 5lbs literally overnight, not the recommended or safe way to lose weight, but understand it needs to happen prior to this type of procedure.

I went into the procedure thinking that after the toilet trauma was complete, the rest would be smooth sailing, so I was ready for my short nap and passing with flying colors colon report.  The doctor was great and explained everything thoroughly and the nurses took really good care of me. I was covered with warm blankets, IV in place and ready to move to the procedure room.  Once the IV anesthesia was administered, I fell asleep quickly but what happened next was like an excerpt from a horror movie.  All of a sudden, extreme pain in my stomach started happening and I felt myself screaming that �it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, and to stop, stop, stop�   and I felt trapped in my mind and my body was enduring pain equivalent to child birth.  In the distance, I did hear a loud voice say �do you want us to stop� and I do remember saying �wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute�, and I was thinking if they stop, I would have to do this again and there was no way that was going to happen.  I do not know what I sounded like or how I moved during this process of extreme pain under IV sedation and was hoping someone would help me.  It could be more pain relief was placed in my IV, but I do not know that.  What I do know is that the pain was unbearable and unbelievable.  My colonoscopy was far from a breeze and I felt traumatized by the event.  The doctor did explain in my haze state upon check out that my colon is very compact with many bends, which caused a rigid application of the scope and caused pain similar to childbirth during the procedure.  His recommendation was that I go under general anesthesia for my next colonoscopy. 

It took my body a couple of days to recover from the anesthesia and I did not feel good physically or emotionally about what happened to me.  I had to know if others experienced extreme pain during a colonoscopy and began my research online and discovered that yes, I was not alone.  What a relief that I could read forums of so many sharing my same story and I think this is what bothers me the most.  I believe that in the paperwork received prior to the procedure that it should be outlined that extreme pain with colonoscopy can be experienced, and that measures will be taken to make the patient comfortable in that event.  I went in to my colonoscopy with a positive attitude and came out with post-traumatic stress about the event. 

I am not writing this to say that I am now against having a colonoscopy and do believe in preventative medicine.  I am happy to report that my colon is clear for ten years, but will be investigating different avenues of colonoscopy approach the next time.  I am writing this to inform people that extreme pain can be experienced, and it is not always a breeze for everyone.  I am in the percentage of those who do not respond well to colonoscopy and for those who have undergone and share my experience, you are not alone.  I was shocked to discover this about myself and now as I have always been, remain a voice of information about health related subjects.  It is important to be informed and your own health care advocate and hopefully the documents pre-colonoscopy will be revised to include a thorough statement of colonoscopy procedure expectations.

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Stay Healthy!


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Wednesday 22 October 2014


Sometimes we can get caught up in worrying about so much in this life, and even things that may never happen.  Worry is definitely a thief of our happiness and will dictate our attitude for the day.  It can become a chronic way of thinking and existing, and not only zaps our energy, but can be exhausting for those around us.  Whenever I feel a worry, I stop and think about the cause and ask myself if it is warranted.  Sometimes worry just does not make sense, and the root cause many times is fear or insecurity about something.  The �What If� this or that kind of worry when nothing definite has even revealed itself.  I found one of the best ways to beat up that kind of mentality is to sweat more.  I get my butt going and use that energy on a high energy workout like HIIT (high intensity interval training) or weight training.

Studies have shown that consistent exercise reduces stress and guess what, that includes the stress that comes from worry.  I use my workout sessions as �cheap man�s� therapy and also as my time to talk with God about what the heck is going on that is making me feel worrisome or anxious.  The more I work and sweat it through, the better I feel.  Most of the time I feel relief, calm, and energized all at the same time after a therapy sweat session.  I do not want to waste my time and energy dragging down my mental game and overall attitude on unnecessary worry.  Not only am I moving my body in a challenging way, but also relieving my mind of the clutter that is taking up precious space. 

The�worry less and sweat more� philosophy provides a healthier lifestyle and the ability to cope with the day to day obligations and responsibilities in life. I feel like I am missing out on something very important for me if I do not sweat it out. My day just feels off, not as accomplished and even tension filled because I did not get that bottled energy out. I like to face head on in the gym any feelings that are questionable as worry and I am not one to just ignore me and think everything is going to fix itself.  I am a doer and a sweater to help maintain a positive outlook, reduce stress and eliminate unnecessary worry.  I am all about not sweating the small stuff but using sweating more to worry less.  

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Be well and Stay Healthy

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Thursday 16 October 2014


Let me clarify before I continue writing this article that my stance about sex is that it belongs and is a big part of a healthy marriage. The issue with sex and menopause, or even going through the premenopausal period brings lots of changes to the female body that can negatively impact our sex lives. I do cover all things health related and never to offend, but hopefully to motivate, inspire, educate, or get us thinking about our lives in a healthier way.  I have joined the ranks of the 50+ woman and feel that it is important to speak out about subjects that we all want to talk about, but seem to hide behind closed doors feeling ashamed, embarrassed, or in denial.  Whatever the case may be, please know that no woman will escape going through menopause, we all have this in common, and it is pretty awesome to think that there is a support system to lean on for answers.

I am just going to blurt it out, when it comes to sex and menopause, use it or lose it ladies.  As our hormones plummet to nothing, ugly things start to happen to the vaginal and surrounding tissue of the urethra.  Our once plumped up beautiful flower has started to wither away making pollination something of a challenge to say the least. What is happening is called vaginal atrophy and just as a muscle begins to decrease in size and shape when not exercised, the same thing happens to our vagina. Studies have shown that consistent sexual activity helps to promote lubrication of the vaginal walls and to maintain the shape and strength of the vaginal canal.  So it is not only important to have regular sexual activity, but also climaxing to exercise those muscles and bring blood flow to the area.  

Sex is a big part of a healthy marriage, and I applaud the husbands out there who are our biggest cheerleaders, and approach with patience and understanding their menopausal wives.  The bedroom romp takes on a whole different meaning when it comes to our aging bodies.  We will be the biggest investors of lubricants, gels, and creative play to maintain a healthy sex life.  The important thing to remember is not to get frustrated, relax, go with the flow, and just have sex.  Schedule a sex date with your spouse and focus on the feelings, sensations, and enjoyment of just being together.  That is what it is all about anyway, giving of ourselves to each other, without inhibition, embarrassment or shame for what we are going through, but a greater sharing experience and acceptance of who we are as women.  Place no expectations on the sexual experience and bask in the moment of play time with your spouse. 

Sex and menopause are just another part of our journey in this life and we do have a choice of how we will handle the changes.  It is important to be pro-active in taking care of our sexual bodies and applying whatever healthy measures that will enable us to feel good, sexy and confident in this area.  Avoiding the subject will not only create a dysfunctional vagina, but also an unhealthy marriage, since sexual closeness is an important part of expressing our need and want for our spouse.  Apply the �use it lose it� philosophy to your changing body and you will be on the right track to a healthier vagina through menopause.   

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Be well and Stay Healthy

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Wednesday 7 May 2014

FIT at 50 feels like FINE WINE

This Sunday happens to be Mother�s Day and my 50th birthday.  Turning fifty does feel like fine wine and it just gets better with age.  I am not going to hide behind the number, be embarrassed because I am a fifty year old woman, or even feel old for that matter.  Age is really a state of mind and overall attitude about self and life in my opinion.  I think the most mind boggling thing is realizing how fast time goes by, and seeing my grown children living their adult lives.  The best thing I can do at any age is be my best self physically, emotionally, and spiritually each and every day.  I will always be a work in progress until I take my last breathe and how great is that. 

Living 50 years has provided me lots of education, and I am not just talking about my college degrees or even my fitness certifications.  I am talking about the wisdom that comes from living life.  I am a woman who has journeyed through lots of crap to get to the cream, and learning how to process all that along the way has been a challenge and a blessing.  Just like a great red wine as it matures becomes smoother, more palatable, and carries the flavors and scents of the work in the oak barrels, my life resembles this fabulous growth in a positive way.  I have always looked at circumstances from a point of view of �what can I learn from this to make me a better person?� As all of you who follow my blog know, I am a Christian and I have definitely leaned on a power greater than my own during my maturing process.  All I can be is better than the person that I was yesterday and I have had 18,250 days on this earth to do that and counting.  I feel it is truly an honor and privilege to be gifted each day.

A milestone is an important event and I do believe that turning 50 has proven to be that for me.  I celebrate that I no longer �Sweat the Small Stuff� of my immature younger self, no longer seek the approval of others to feel acceptance nor do I really care what people think of me.  It is an age of freedom in many ways as life comes full circle in meaning of what is truly important.  My husband, children, family and friends come to mind when I think about the meaning of life, and helping as much as I can to take care of my parents, spend time with those I love, and getting lost in the kid in me and not take life so seriously that I forget to live.  I do not care if dust bunnies live under my sofa, or if the bed goes unmade for the day if I make the choice to spend quality time with my hubby or kids.  I want to be a woman of �no regrets� as I journey into the second half of my life. 

My idea of health and fitness at fifty is taking care of me so that I can have a quality life for as long as I am here.  I want to feel good, strong, confident, and sexy and I know it will take consistency of living my healthy lifestyle to maintain that.  I do the best that I can with my abilities, and modify when I need to along the way.  I am not here to impress anyone or compare myself to others in my journey of living a fit life, but I do want to motivate others to live a healthy life.  The beautiful part about my passion for health and fitness is that I have turned that passion into my occupation, and it is such a joy that it never feels like work. 

I am not saying that there are not days that I feel every bit an older woman because those days do come around, especially if I am struggling with my hormones and lack of sleep.  There is nothing worse than feeling sluggish and having low energy to the point of not feeling like hitting a workout, or for that matter getting out of my pajamas. On the other hand, I have learned to accept this new and improved Darla who can now accept the changes that go along with this journey.   I do not always like it, but what is my alternative?  I focus on as much positive as I can, surround myself with positive, and get rid of anything that does not nourish my mind, body and soul. 

I am a very simplistic 50 year young woman and quite comfy in jeans and tank top, but can also enjoy a dress up date with hubby.  I have become a great listener and really love to dig deep into people�s feelings and passions about themselves and life.  I love to laugh, enjoy the balance of work and play, and feel that I have learned the importance of this along my fine wine journey.  I feel less stress and more relaxed with who I am at 50 and look forward to what 60 has to bring. 

I want to dedicate this Blog to my beautiful Mother.  I love you dearly, and wish you a very Happy Mother�s Day!

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!

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