Saturday 21 March 2015


How many of us stand in the truth of our life or live in denial and non-acceptance of the actions that clearly rebel against a healthy lifestyle?  I wish I could see a show of hands and have a world-wide workshop to discuss this issue.  Standing in our truth has everything to do with being able to become a healthy person, and can be applied to all areas of our life: relationships, careers, fitness, and overall health which represent a moderate list that encompasses our existence as a human being.

Being honest with our self is the first step to being able to change those things that are weighing us down physically and emotionally.  If we are unable to be honest with ourselves, then being honest with others will not happen.  When lying to ourselves is at the forefront of or life, behaviors are usually exhibited through bitterness, anger, blame of others, argumentative reasoning, defensiveness, unhappiness, and a clear nonacceptance of responsibility. On the other side of that come acceptance of our truth and realizing that we can be healthier, happier people if changes are implemented each day to begin the process of adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Our responsibility is to stand in our truth and make the choice to go one way or the other.  Do we want to be healthy or not, do we want to continue in self-destructive behaviors or not, do we want to be happy or not, do we want to be an honest person or not?  Standing in our truth opens the door to trust of self and that can eventually be shared with others as we become examples of how to live a healthy life.  We can only live in the path of not standing in our truth for so long before serious consequences begin happening in the form of illness, depression, broken relationships, loss of friends, and even disengagement of family members.  A healthy person exhibits a happy outlook on life and is willing to share their experiences freely and with an open heart to sincerely help others because they know first- hand the work it took to stand in their truth.  The person that remains in denial continues to show a negative view of life, self, and people around them, and generally repel any meaningful relationships. 

The consequences to not standing in our truth to adopt a healthy lifestyle are harsh.  Lying to self and others remain on the top of the ugly list when it comes to life in general.  Living a healthy life will take the action of standing in our truth, acceptance of that truth and the follow-through with daily choices and actions to move our bodies and minds in a healthy direction. 

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Stay Healthy ~ Darla


Stay Healthy from my family to yours

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Saturday 12 September 2009

What is the fastest way to lose weight incredible fast and healthy?

OK. To start with, there are a lot of products online that are "sure" that they will make you slim. But how to trust them? Now I will present you some info about Proactol- the best product with more than Five Million Clients (5,000,000) worldwide. There is nothing more useful from this "tool". Proactol is a method of losing weight. You ask me how? Just a second, continue reading, I will explain you. First, I want to say that this product is 100% clinically proven without any negative effects. Moreover, it is 100% healthy and the process is faster than every other "junk" product. This one promises an incredible result and more than just a result, you will find yourself in a new world. You will love yourself and you will love the life again. This looks very good, isn't it? But how does Proactol do this? Proactol is just a box that contains some pills. The number of pills is different and depends on the weight you want to lose. There are several choices here, where you can see more about the prices. So, let's continue with our review of Proactol. So, just I said in order to lose weight effectively, you need to change anything in your life. If you don't want to change your eating style or don't want to start visiting the gym two or three times per week, then you just need to start using this product. 100% money back guaranteeYou will not lose anything more than your weight. Don't you want to be slim again. Do you feel tired and is this due to your "extra" body weight? Then, why don't you try this product. There is something special 100% money back guarantee only for you now. So if you don't like this product, you can take your money back. What are you waiting for. Just try it and let your cool life begin.

Short handLong hand
Begin Losing weight now

Tengenix Reviews

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