Tuesday 1 July 2014

SHE IS BEAUTIFUL - A short documentary

She Is Beautiful is a short documentary by Denise Francis. "I am in pursuit to change the definition of beauty. I made a short documentary to find what the true definition of beauty is. I explored New York City and interviewed 100 people asking them two questions. "Why are women beautiful" & "Why are you beautiful" Their answers were amazing! This is beauty redefined, the true definition of beauty is YOU."  To learn more about Denise or to see more, go to LiveNaturallyLove on youtube.


Friday 27 June 2014

Traeh's Big Chop

"In [the video below], I will be showing you a portion of my journey from relaxed hair to natural hair. I did my big chop January 28th, 2014. I've been transitioning since Summer 13' (not sure of the exact date). Initially I was going to transition but I got tired of having thin relaxed hair and trying to deal with two textures so I just decided to do my big chop. I am also on a no heat journey so that I can improve the overall health of my hair. I hope my journey inspires you to go natural whether you decide to transition or do the big chop. In my experience, I believe the big chop was the best thing for me to do. The only regret I have is that I wish I did my big chop sooner :)"  ~ Traeh

To learn more about Traeh, check her out on -
Instagram - @Iamtraeh
Youtube - www.youtube.com/iamtraeh 

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