Thursday 27 March 2014


What our health and happiness come down are choices.  I make a choice each day to eat healthy, exercise, and respond to life the best way I can as a Christian woman.  I am not perfect, do not claim to be, and my goals in life are about progress and never the �P� for perfection word.  I struggle with things just like you do, have had my share of crap in this journey of life, emotionally and physically, and I have come out the other side learning and growing in a positive direction.

I will always be a work in progress, and we are all that in this life.  I enjoy writing which is why I Blog and what better way to provide motivation than to share me with you.  You will either like me or not, and that is a choice as well.  Reading my Blog gives you a small glimpse of me, although I try to be thorough, it is not the same as developing a close �friend� relationship chatting up a topic of conversation.  As an internet personality, I have had and do get my share of �haters� as the net likes to call them, but also a great number of supporters, but through this process, my goal and intention is to reach out and get people thinking about their health, making CHOICES to change and adapt healthier ways of living, and ultimately a healthy lifestyle. 

I am a trainer and coach who is passionate about helping people, and I do walk the talk of my mission.  I do not accept excuses or reasons why health is not made a priority and that is not called being unreasonable, it is being truthful.  I am not talking about reasons such as an upcoming surgery, injury, or illness that has unfortunately put a person in a position of inability to exercise.  I have suffered that journey and understand the frustrations, and emotions of dealing with such a crisis.  I am addressing the everyday person walking around with so much created busyness that they �think� that they just can�t fit in an hour of exercise at least 3 days per week, or prepare healthy meals. 

YOU CAN DO IT�.BUT WILL YOU?  That is the question of the Blog and each of us has a conscience controlled decision to make when it comes to taking care of our health in all aspects.  We choose to exercise, eat healthy, be happy, and let go of pointless drama that is out of our control.  We choose how we spend the precious minutes gifted to each of us daily, and how we respond to the situations of this life.  I motivate YOU with �YOU CAN DO IT� because you can, and this coming from one busy business woman, wife, mother, grandmother, who is basically fifty and experiencing the throws of menopausal symptoms and existing injuries.  There are times that I feel like I can�t do it, and that is the honest truth.  It is in those moments, that I have to dig deep inside me and pull out the strong, and hope that the motivation kicks in mid workout.  YES, I am just like you, but the choice of �WILL YOU� is always mine and yours. 

This is not about comparison of me to you, but a straight up calling you out on the carpet and asking �WILL YOU start a healthy lifestyle?� and if not, WHY?  I will tell you that YOU CAN DO IT, but it will take the action of YOU to make it happen.  If you feel this is coming on strong, then I have accomplished a goal of getting you to think, maybe even creating some feelings that have been stuffed inside yourself too long and it is time to cleanse that body emotionally and physically.  Are you angry, bitter, frustrated, unhappy, and using the �too busy� title or other reasons to not address those things.  If that is the case, time for some internal cleaning of house, and time to get healthy.  YOU CAN DO IT�BUT WILL YOU?

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!


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Tuesday 12 November 2013



"This really appealed to me in such a POSITIVE way. Life is about our journey, and the CHOICES that we make to become better people in ways that make sense to us. I think about the word "health" and what that really encompasses and it is not just a number on a scale but a combination of emotional, spiritual, physical and nutritional. I live my life the way I want to and some may like it and some may not, but it is MY LIFE, just as YOUR life belongs to YOU. We all have differing issues, possible medical problems and limitations, overwhelming life stresses, and those behind closed doors secrets that may greatly impact our life, and that we simply choose not to share with others. Those things belong to us, and sifting through and creating answers to our individual stories is what matters and doing so to become a healthier happier person in all areas of "health" is what counts. There is never a "one size fits all" answer to our fitness and nutrition programs, how we serve God, and how we choose to live our life. We are NOT generic people made to fit in some sort of "health" box coming out the other side all fixed. That is just not reality. What I enjoy may not be what you enjoy, what I eat may not be what you like to eat; the service I give to God may not be how you honor get my point. I never fall for gimmicks that claim that this is the "only way" to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Really??? Based on what? When each of us walk a mile in each other's shoes, then we "might" have the ability to make such claim, but I will always be the type of MOTIVATOR that realizes that life and the journey to health is different for everyone, and I will do my best to provide the correct encouragement for YOU."


I shared the above post on my Facebook page last week as I was inspired after seeing a motivational poster and  reading several articles on the whole controversial �what�s your excuse� image that has been receiving both positive and negative feedback.  I am a believer of intention and positive messages shared through my life and stories.  I share because I am inspired to write and through that I am hopeful to help someone adapt a healthier lifestyle, whatever that may mean in a life and in that moment.  My intention is never to discourage, but to be a motivator through my passion of helping people.  Sometimes, images and statements can be miscommunicated which is why I am not a huge fan of texting as so many things can get lost in translation.  I believe that much misinterpretation occurred with the controversial image and that is one thing that a picture is unable to do�explain intention.  The originator intended one thing, the audience perceived something completely different.  The laughable part of the whole scenario is that all publicity is good publicity in the world of marketing, and one controversial image regardless of intention is now the beginning of either a great opportunity to further help people through the exposure, or a lost chance that will eventually fade due to inability to keep the audience captured.


I will share that I am a �NO EXCUSES� trainer when it comes to people giving me reasons why health is not a priority.  I do not hear that �my health is not a priority� stated in those words from people, but I hear it through the underlying messages of �I am too busy�, �I am unable to cook�, �I am unable to afford a trainer or membership�, �My kids need me, my husband or wife wants this kind of food�, �My work does not allow�, �I am on the road constantly�, �I have no time to shop�, and the list goes on and on.  The point is that I do not accept or believe that anyone is too busy to take care of their health. When I post an image of myself, it is not for the intention of saying �hey, check this out and you should look like this�, it is for motivation to share that I am almost 50, have gone through major physical and emotional adversity, and have come out the other side healthy and happy.  My career is my passion and I do walk the talk of consistent exercise and healthy eating, and I share that with my clients, family, friends, and anyone who will listen to me.  I will not tell anyone to implement a �my way is the only way� approach to health, fitness and overall wellness as that is not true.  I am confident in my teaching and my example, and know that it works, but intelligent enough to respect and research other avenues.  Shoot, I enjoy learning from my clients when they have researched a topic. In my book, we are in this world together, working together to be the best we can be.  I do not have the expectation that my clients or you will exercise like me, or maintain nutritional intake as I do.  I may make things look easy but I bet if I came to your job and I was able to watch what you do, I would think the same thing of you. The only expectation that I have is that healthier habits are formed and an eventual healthy LIFESTYLE is adapted and whatever that looks like to each person that I have had the opportunity to work with is an A+ in my book.  I always grade on a curve too as we are not perfect people, but always works in progress.   What it comes down to is that we all KNOW WHAT TO DO�right?  The problem lies in not accepting what we already know needs to be done to be healthier people.  It is my life, your life, our lives and how we CHOOSE to live each day is up to each and every one of us.  I do not want you to look like me, exercise like me, or eat like me because I am doing a great job living my life.  I am hopeful that you are sparked to make healthy choices for you, to implement exercise routines that you enjoy, to start cooking healthy foods that you like, and to look in your mirror and say I want to look like a healthy ME.


Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!


Stay Healthy~


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Tuesday 22 October 2013


Enjoying Maui last month
I am such a wimp when it comes to the cold or extreme heat and it calls for creative indoor workout preparation for the long winter months ahead.  There is this motivational poster that says �There is no such thing as bad weather, just soft people�.  Well pull up my socks and call me soft�because I am definitely not one to venture into the cold, sleet, snow, or hail for a walk or WOG (walk/jog).  I am a fair weathered fitness gal and am happy to say that I may be soft on the inside, but my body tells a much different story on the outside without facing the weather extremes.


I believe it is just all preference of course when it comes to working out, and I
choose to exercise without battling the elements.  Hats off to those who love all that stuff, and in a way it sounds really cool when I read workout stories that deal with extreme environments.  This gal would literally freeze into some sort of ice crystal mess with aching ears, and numb hands and feet. 
That is one COLD TURKEY!!!

This means preparing differing indoor workouts because I am all about muscle
confusion and keeping fitness fun.  I am one to get bored doing the same thing too many times and having a plan always works best for accountability and will ensure that I am ready to go.  I enjoy HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts and can write one of those up in a jiffy.  HIITs are probably my favorite due to covering so many muscle groups very dynamically in a short period of time.  I like to complete at least 30 minutes during a high intensity workout.  Then there are my slower paced cardio, core and stretch days which I really like when my energy is not where it should be, or my muscles are sore and need to recover.  Another fabulous workout that I love to create is a Pyramid, where I select four to five movements and start either at the bottom or top of the pyramid and work the reps up or down depending on how I want to  begin.  This type of workout makes me feel very accomplished, and I am pretty spent at the end.  It can take me a good hour to get through a pyramid that has ten steps to it.  I can�t leave out my circuit training, another great way I enjoy exercise, and utilizing my smith machine or free weights to complete a variety of strength moves that can be focused on all over body or body part selective. 


The wonderful thing about exercise is making it my own, and doing the things that I enjoy.  That is so important because if I did not like what I was doing, I would not be coming back for more that is for sure.  The fact that exercise is part of my lifestyle feels good and it is a �want to� for me and although I do understand the importance for my health as a �have to�, I would not feel like ME if I did not challenge my body physically regardless of the health importance.  It is such a gift to be able to exercise and that is how I look at it, and I am not going to let bringing in the cold stop me.  I just adapt, change and create what will work for me during a time that I will miss being outside as much. 



Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!

Stay Healthy~


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Saturday 6 July 2013

Don�t Over-think Healthy

Do you ever find yourself getting caught up in over-thinking healthy and what it takes to live healthy?  In my journey of living a healthy lifestyle, I have found that over-thinking can lead to feelings of inadequacy of not doing things right, and getting so overwhelmed that it turns into something that is not enjoyed.  Living a healthy lifestyle should be about simplicity, enjoyment, fun, balance, and all those fabulous things in life that make life worth the ride. 
I come from a background of extreme athlete, competition, and counting every
Getting Back to Healthy
gram of protein, carbohydrate and fat I put in my face, in addition to the supplements taken at spaced out intervals throughout my day, and the intense workouts all tucked neatly into my very organized trainer binder.  Whew�I think about that now and remember how strict, stressed, and really undernourished I was during that time.  My body fat was not at a healthy level for a woman, I was not having a cycle and my hormones where so out of whack that it took months for my body to get back on track when I made the decision to discontinue treating my body that way.  Now�am I saying that competing is a bad thing�NO�I am not saying that and I applaud everyone�s goals for health and fitness, but what I am sharing is that it did not work for me for an extended period of time.  Further, this was not a life-long sustainable way of health for my body, mind and spirit.  I just wanted to make that clear before any backlash hit my page.  What I am sharing about this time in my life is that I did over-think health, but I was not really thinking about health per se as my goals were to look a certain way and not considering feeling a certain way.  Fast forward to many healthy years later�

I do not over-think my healthy lifestyle and teach quality over quantity, simplicity over difficult, and enjoyment over feeling overwhelmed.  I designed a very easy nutrition guide for my clients that I use myself and have received rave reviews, as well as fabulous results that are life-time maintainable. I never want healthy to feel like a burden to me or my clients.  I do believe in a health plan and structure when it comes to food prep and having food ready to go for the week, but that is the only effort required for a healthy lifestyle, alongside a consistent exercise program.   I put in the time to cook my food and enjoy what I cook.  I no longer count calories, keep a journal, although this can be helpful when first beginning a program, and simply eat healthy food throughout my day without calorie restriction�.AMEN.   I believe in keeping food to their simplest form and eating it raw or close to raw if possible, and I am talking mostly about my fruits and vegetables here.  Of course, I crock pot chicken like no other, boil a boat load of organic eggs, crock pot large amounts of brown rice and steal cut oats every week.  This has become my habit or healthy eating life and feels as natural as breathing to me now.  I will also share that I do splurge in moderation, although I prefer to cook/bake my splurges because to me there is nothing better than a home-made cookie, pie, or brownie warm from the oven.  Also, I do not like how overly sweet, salted or incorrect fat saturated purchased desserts can be and prefer to control that part of my splurge intake.  So, the point I am driving home about my nutrition and how I think about it�is that I DON�T OVERTHINK IT�I eat to live and keep all kinds of healthy REAL food in my refrigerator and pantry and ENJOY my food.  I realize that my body needs all kinds of fabulous nutrients and I have no worry about eating anything healthy that will fuel my body in a great way.  If it is healthy, I eat it�that is how simple I keep it.  

Turning to my fitness program or exercise, I have come full circle with that as well.  I used to keep a journal years ago of my programs, weights that I lifted, gains, reps, intensity, duration, type, frequency, rest periods�OH MY.  Again, I am not insisting that doing this for anyone else is a bad thing, but for me, it became mechanical and going through the power intense motions of pushing my body to the limits without regard for ME.  This was years ago, and I now treat my body with more TLC and exercise to maintain a healthy body�that is now my goal.  The journey with my exercise has taken on a whole new meaning as I dedicate my programs to taking the BEST care of my body with the limitations that I have and do what works well for my body without aggravation, or flaring this or that up.  I no longer keep a journal but now enjoy workouts that I feel like doing on a specific day, and avoiding sore muscle areas, along with listening to my body if it needs a rest�I rest.  The body needs to move for health and my focus is to move my body for health, to maintain the muscle that I do have, stretch to ensure range of motion through my joints, and perform cardio enough to work my aerobic system.  I really enjoy my workouts and keep them fresh all the time with lots of variety�today was taking my puppy for a long walk/jog and utilizing park benches for step ups and squats along the way.  I go with what works, I do what it fun and don�t over-think it.  If I perform 15 squats instead of 20�so what�it is better than no squats.  That is what I am talking about�doing the BEST I can with what I have and enjoying the journey.

I can say that not over-thinking healthy has provided a much healthier and
happier lifestyle for me.  I believe if healthy feels like a burden, something is not being done right.  The beautiful thing about living a healthy lifestyle the right way and not over-thinking it,  is that it does feel good, makes my body feel strong, provides a confidence and happiness that is awesome, and overall allows me to be my BEST healthy ME.  Wow�what a journey and I like it!




Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding! 

Stay Healthy~ Darla 

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Saturday 19 January 2013

Simple is Healthy

Simple is Healthy!

Simple is Healthy ~ Food, Part 1

YES�I have lots to say about keeping it simple and being such a chatter box, and trying not to jump too hard on the soap box, I knew this was going to become a series of SIMPLE.  I came across a quote that struck me �90% of people avoided obesity and diabetes long before anyone knew what a calorie was let alone counted them�let�s make �healthy� healthy again� and it ended with the word�SIMPLE.

WOW, I thought on that and realized just how dynamic and powerful this statement was to me and how true it is for my life.  As a child, my parents modeled living from the land in our back yard and boy do I ever remember how my weekends were spent�pulling weeds from the garden.  Talk about a bitter sweet chore as a child�dirty hands, dirty knees, blisters�and the smell of tomato leaves so strong it could choke you�anyone relate?  Fruit trees adorned our backyard, and my Dad was a master grafter trying to create the perfect blend of fabulous fruit flavors.  I could walk in the garden and pluck a vine ripe tomato or enjoy an apple from one of our many trees�Simple.  What I am trying to say by sharing a small glimpse into my childhood is that food should be simple, and for me�simple is healthy.  Part one of this Blog, I will be covering food and what simple means for my Stay Healthy Life and as it relates to what and how I eat. 

I enjoy food in its� true, SIMPLE form to this day and believe that the simpler the food, the healthier the food.  If it comes in a box, with a label full of words that I can�t understand, and the ingredient list takes up the entire side of the product, this is not a simple food�it is a bunch of mixed up crap in a box that sits on a shelf and has a shelf life longer than me.  That is what I am talking about, and am I going to put this in my body...A BIG NO on that.  Now, toss me an organic Fuji apple, and this is one happy girl ready to enjoy Simple Real Food, full of nutrients that my body needs.  Keeping food simple eliminates all stress of what I should be eating�how fabulous is that.  Once food becomes complicated, stress over the how much, what, and when  to eat enters the picture�ok�a small soap box�and thanks to agencies that will go un-named, media, marketing, blah blah blah�this world has gone crazy with complicated food and empty promises of pseudo health in a box that has greatly increased illness in this country.  Bringing food back to simple keeps me healthy and I am sure all of America would be healthier too. 

Simple means fresh, simple means I can pick the item up and smell it, and inspect it for the best pick of the produce.  Simple means one ingredient, I can usually eat the item at purchase, and if I am hungry for example, I will enjoy an organic piece of fruit during my drive.  When this concept is truly grasped, it eliminates all questions like�what did she/he eat to look like that? What did they do?  What diet was used�YUCK�diet is a dirty word in my book.  Keeping my food simple is how I maintain ME.  There is no secret this or that and I am hopeful that one day, everyone will wake up and realize this.  A few other foods that I include in my simple line up are organic boneless skinless chicken breasts, wild caught fish, grains, nuts, seeds, strained organic Greek yogurt, and cage free organic eggs�now, check this list in addition to what I shared earlier.  I am eating foods that are from the earth, as fresh as possible when I purchase organic, not processed in a factory and stuffed in a box. 

I enjoy the colors, aromas, textures, and flavors of simple foods and when I combine them into a salad�WOW�simple at its� very BEST!  Of course some of my food items come in bottles and containers such as my Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Vinegars, Honeys, Nut Butters, Quinoa, Brown Rice, Greek Yogurt, Almond Milk, etc�but I research to ensure that they are minimally and organically processed, minimal ingredients and simple stored form.  NOW�this is the thing about eating my simple food�if I do not eat it raw or blend for a green smoothie, I am in the kitchen slicing, dicing, and cooking up a SIMPLE and HEALTHY meal that surpasses any complicated junk- in- a- box non-food item that is being passed off as �good for your health� food. 

Roasted Brussel Sprouts
I enjoy a stress free simple eating life that allows me to enjoy lots of healthy foods throughout the day.  I do not keep a food journal, count calories, grams, ounces, etc�I SIMPLY eat to live.  My body tells me when to eat and that is usually every 2 � hours and I eat to satiety, not to feel uncomfortable.  It is amazing how much MORE food I can eat when it is simply healthy�my large salads for example�OH MY�they seem to get bigger instead of smaller with every bite.  One of my favorite simple veggies right now are brussel sprouts�.I roast these in the oven with EVOO and spices and OH MY�these nutrient packed baby cabbages are filling. 

So�.I will continue to keep my food SIMPLE�it is my LIFESTYLE�and I am happy to know that I am making �healthy� healthy again! Stay Healthy ~

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding! 
Stay Healthy~ Darla
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