Sunday 30 August 2015

Is cheese healthy?

Who doesn�t like cheese?  Cheese pizza, grilled cheese sandwiches, cheese and crackers.  Many studies have been done on cheese and its health benefits.  So what is the latest � is cheese healthy or bad for our hearts and bodies?

The recent issue of the Wellness Letter from the University of California reported on the latest cheese research (Say Cheese?, September 2015). 

They noted the French consume a lot of cheese as I can verify having visited France last year.  Cheese and bread at breakfast, cheese and bread at lunch.  The French love their cheese.  Yet, the French have relatively low heart disease rates.  Why?
  •  Heart Health � many people say cheese is not good for your heart because cheese has some bad fat in it, saturated fat.  A study in 2013 found no link between eating a lot of cheese and heart disease.  Another 2012 study found followed Swedish women for 12 years.  Surprisingly, the women who ate the most cheese had the lowest rate of heart attacks.  Other studies found that butter does raise your bad cholesterol, LDL but cheese does not.
  • Diabetes � rather than raise your blood glucose, cheese seems to help stabilize it.  A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that cheese and yogurt improved insulin sensitivity and control of blood glucose levels.  A Swedish study found that woman consuming cheese had a lower risk of diabetes.  They aren�t sure why but cheese does have fat and this slows stomach emptying which means less of a rise in blood sugar levels.
  • Anticancer � The more dairy the less your risk of colon cancer probably because of the calcium in dairy and thus in cheese.  But other studies have been mixed as to whether cheese consumption reduces cancer risk.
  • Weight � many studies have been done on dairy and weight.  A recent study suggests that cheese consumption is associated with less weight gain and may help a person control their weight.  A study in the Journal of Nutrition involving obese and overweight women found that those who consumer a high protein and a high dairy diet, exercised, restricted calories not only lost weight but loss more fat and gained muscle.
  • Cavities � what does cheese have to do with cavities?  First, cheese doesn�t promote cavities and some research shows it may help prevent cavities.  Cheese helps build up the minerals in your teeth, the calcium, phosphorus and even protein promote mineralization.
  • Nutrients � cheese is loaded with good nutrients: calcium, protein, vitamin A, B12, B2, zinc and other nutrients.  But most cheese has no or little vitamin D so milk or yogurt are needed to meet vitamin D needs. 

So enjoy some cheese this week.  If you want to cut back on the calories from cheese, choose part-skim mozzarella, mozzarella sticks, feta cheese, part-skim ricotta cheese, 2% cheddar, 2% Swiss which are made with 2% milk.  

Sources:  The Best Low-Fat Cheeses, Say Cheese?  Image source:  Cheese sticks

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Sunday 23 August 2015

Low Carb or Low Fat?

How often do we hear people say, �I am watching my carbs?� So many people think cutting back on carbs is the best way to lose some weight.  But is this true?  Should you cut back on fat calories or carb calories?  A recent study posted by WebMD looks at carbs vs fats.  Which diet burns more fat and which diet would lead to lasting weight loss?

The title of the WebMD article gives away the study findings:  Low-Carb Diets Don't Work the Way We Thought.
  • Low carb diets � do they really �melt away the fat�?  Melt away your belly fat?   One theory behind low carb diets is that eating less carbs lowers your insulin levels in your blood.  Since insulin promotes fat storage, less insulin less fat storage.  Is this true?  The newest study says �NO�
  • Study � NIH studied 19 overweight adults.   For 11 days, they lived in a special room and everything they ate was monitored.  They even captured the air they breathed to measure exactly how many calories they burned and if they were burning calories from fat, carbs or protein.
  • Baseline  � participants ate a �normal� diet of 50% carbs, 35% fat and 15% protein � their baseline diet.
  • Low Carb  � for 6 days participants ate a diet with 30% less calories, less calories from carbs � the low carb diet plan.  Fat and protein calories remained the same as the baseline diet.
  • Low Fat -  for 6 days (after a few weeks break from the low carb diet) � calories were cut from fat, with protein and carbs remaining the same.
So what diet was the best at losing fat?  Surprisingly:

�People lost more total fat on the low-fat diet than they did when they were eating the low-carb diet.� says author Kevin Hall, PhD. 

Not only was this finding a surprise but just as surprising was the change in metabolism:

�And cutting fat didn�t appear to slow metabolism, while cutting carbs did.�  The study found that cutting back on carbs lead to metabolism slowing by about 100 calories a day.  Cutting back on fat, metabolism did not slow down.

So cutting carbs slows your metabolism?  Who would want to be on a low-carb diet if doing so, slows your metabolism?

The study shows your metabolism does change on a low carb diet or on a low fat diet.  A low-carb diet does lead to fat loss but not as much fat loss as not eating all the fat in the first place.
Bottom line � if you are interested in losing weight:
Cut the Fat,  Keep the Carbs

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Saturday 1 August 2015

A Fat Burning Meal Plan

Photo credit: Denise Larkin - Fish

I came across this fat burning diet, nutritious meal plan by chance when I was searching on the internet for a healthy way of dieting.

The following fat burning diet meal plan looks completely healthy, so I am going to give it a go and use it for my diet this week.

Find out more...

Read more �

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Wednesday 22 July 2015

Detox Drink for Flat Belly

100% Tested Magical Drink for Flat Belly

Flat belly is the big and common problem in young guys and girls, everyone always worry about this problem. This big belly comes because of no exercise and running routine. Bud don�t worry today I will tell you the great remedy for loss belly fat as well as stomach gas problem will be solved. Here is the amazing and magical remedy which helps to lose your belly fat.
Detox Drink for Flat Belly


  • Water � 8 Glass
  • Jasmine Tea � 6 teaspoons
  • Carom Seeds � 1 teaspoon
  • Malt Vinegar � 1 teaspoon
  • Cinnamon Powder � 1 pinch
  • Honey � As you want
  • Black Caraway Seeds � 1/4th teaspoon


  • Put 8 water of glass in a jar and mix 6 tsp of jasmine tea, 1 tsp of carom seeds and 1 teaspoon of vinegar. Now heat it up when it boil then stop heat, wait for cold and then put into the refrigerator.
  • When you want to drink, you just add honey, 1 pinch of cinnamon powder and 1/4th tsp of black caraway seeds and mix well.
  • Drink this solution 1 cup daily. Your gas problem will be reduced and your fat belly becomes flat quickly.
  • After dinner, you must walk 15 to 20 minutes at least.
Magical Drink for Flat Belly
There are many remedies for weight loss and belly fat, but all of them mostly remedies do not work. But this remedy I share with you is tested and effective. You must try this remedy, and surely you will become smart very quickly.


Tuesday 7 July 2015

Eggplant & Lemon Water for Weight Loss

How to Lose Weight with Eggplant & Lemon

Today we will discuss about the �miracle water�, it made from the eggplant and lemon. This recipe is not only use for weight loss, it give you also more power and energy thorough out the day. Eggplant is very familiar vegetable and we know their health benefits. So that, the mixing of lemon juice in eggplant water is increase their beneficial properties which helps to reduce the fat from the body.
Eggplant & Lemon Water for Weight Loss

Benefits of Eggplant

Eggplants have many benefits, without any doubt. Eating the eggplant help to control your cholesterol, provide you vitamins, nutrients, fiber, energy and minerals required for your body. It also helps to control your waist and extra body fat. Here is the some benefits of eggplant, you must know it.
  • Egg plants have excellent properties to improve circulation due to the high content of vitamin E, it control the heart problems and promotes blood flow.
  • Excellent diuretic.
  • It contains a lot of water, so that their low calories make good addition to any diet.
  • It makes your memory good because of their high potassium content.
  • It controls your sugar level, best for the diabetic patient.
  • It helps to control cholesterol.
  • It helps to reduce fat from body.
  • Prevent the constipation problem because it contains high fiber.
  • Make strong the liver and control its diseases.
  • It contains iron and magnesium, so that it helps to prevent anemia and improve the heart and muscle functions. Also help to firming the immune system.
Eggplant Water for Weight Loss

Magical Drink Recipe with Eggplant and Lemon Juice

I am telling you the magical drink for weight loss with eggplant and lemon. It�s very easy recipe you can make it at your home. So let�s get started for smart body shape.

What you Need

  •  Egg Plant � 1 big Piece
  • Lemon Juice � 4 teaspoon
  • Water � 1 Litre

How to Make

  • First, wash your eggplant and then make their slices.
  • Take a jar and place the water in it, and put all slices into the jar and heat it over low flame for 5 minutes. When it boils, stop the heat and wait for the cold.
  • When it becomes cold, throughout the eggplant slices from the jar.
  • Now add 4 tsp of lemon juice in the water. Mix well and save it into the fridge.

How to Use

  • Daily drink one glass of water, it will help to reduce belly fat.
  • When you like taste of this water, then increase your drink one more glass and till up to 4 glass per day.
  • This routine help to reduce your fat and you live healthy always.

See More

Top 10 Ways to Get Rid of Your Pot Belly


Sunday 14 June 2015

Diet Mistakes You Might be Making

We all know people who are on a diet.  Usually some fad diet that they can�t stay on for a life time.  How often do we hear, �I am off my diet.�   �I am back on my diet.�   What are some diet mistakes that can sabotage your weight loss goals?  WebMD has a great article, 10 Diet Mistakes and How to Avoid Them.
  1. Crash diets � Many of us want to lose weight but not slow and steady, we want to lose it now.  So crash diets sound appealing.  When you lose weight that fast you not only lose water and fat but also muscle tissue.   Eating under 1200 calories a day can slow your metabolism and slow your chances of losing weight.  Go off this crash diet and the weight comes back as you haven�t changed your lifestyle and eating habits. 
  2.  Skipping Breakfast � seems like an easy way to cut back on calories.  I was doing a diet recall on a friend who said they never ate breakfast.  Yet, when they got to work they went to the snack machine and got a donut, a candy bar or other high calorie �snack�.  Skipping the most important meal of the day lead to hunger mid-morning and snacking on unhealthy, high calorie foods.  Or, the person overeats at lunch because they are starving and then they pack even more calories.  Choose a breakfast high in protein and high in fiber to fill you up and stave off the hunger pains.
  3. Snacks � who doesn�t love snacks?  Many people eat normally at meals but then nibble all day on snacks.  If you are counting calories, the snacks count too.  Use Apps on your Smartphone like LoseIt! to track your meals and snacks.  Or choose healthy snacks like fruit, vegetables.   Or, find those 100 calorie snack packs.
  4. Avoiding snacks � snacking can be a good thing as those who eat 3 smaller meals a day plus snacks have a better chance of controlling their hunger.  Focusing on protein-rich snacks can rev up your metabolism.  A handful of nuts are a good protein snack.
  5. Low fat � cutting back on high fat foods is a good choice.  Limiting fried foods like cutting back on French fries, fried chips, fried chicken will cut back on calories.  But carefully choose low fat products as many are loaded with sugar.  I tried a low fat mayonnaise in and egg salad only to have the egg salad taste sweet like I had added sugar.  Looking at the label, they had taken out fat but added sugar and added calories.  Better to have a smaller portion of a regular fat food than all that added sugar.
  6. Calories in your Beverages � cutting back on beverages high in added sugar is always a good idea.  In the South sugared iced tea is popular but loaded with calories.  Most restaurants offer unsweetened tea.  If you are trying to cut back, fill up the glass with mostly unsweetened and top off with some sweetened or just add one pack of sugar to your unsweetened tea.  Sugared soft drinks, many sports drinks are loaded with sugar and a good way to cut some calories.  Drink water instead.
  7. Water � fill up on water.  Drink some water when you get up, before meals, any time you feel thirsty.  Dehydration slows you metabolism so keep hydrated.
  8. Avoiding Dairy is Not a Good Idea � many fad diets cut back on dairy and thus cut back on the important nutrients dairy provides like calcium and vitamin D.  Not to mention the protein in dairy is a very high quality protein.  WebMD notes:  Some research suggests the body burns more fat when it gets enough calcium and produces more fat when it�s calcium-deprived.  So choose low-fat dairy, low fat yogurt, 1% or fat free milk, low fat cheeses.
  9. Avoid the Drive-Through � Fast foods are loaded with calories.  Sure you could order the salad or other healthier choices but going to a fast food place just offers a lot of temptation for the milk shake, fries or other unhealthy options.  WebMD notes:  People who ate fast food more than twice a week gained 10 more pounds than those who had it less than once a week.    
  10. Unrealistic Goals � Many people want to lose a lot of weight and lose it fast.  But the most successful are those who chose realistic goals like 1-2 pounds a week, focus on an eating pattern they can maintain for life and adding in exercise so they don�t have to cut back on food so much. 

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Sunday 26 April 2015

How to lose weight and keep it off

This  week my husband saw an interesting slide show on MSN health and fitness, 35 simple tips to help you lose weight and keep it off too!   They have some great suggestions.   Their focus: We're not talking about drastic measures here, but quick and easy changes you can make in your daily life to help you achieve your weight loss goals.  If you want to see all 35 tips, click the link.  Here are a few they highlighted:   
  1.  Don�t give up your favorite foods � how often do you hear someone say, �I ate a cookie and blew my diet.�  Nonsense, as Joyce Meyer says, �eat the cookie�.  But don�t eat the whole box.  MSN recommends limiting the number of times you eat your favorite or junk food to once a week and eat less of it than you normally do.  
  2.  Opt for Whole grains � so many people forgo the whole grains when they are such a healthy addition to your diet.  My relatives are now into Ezekiel bread, a whole grain bread and quite nutritious.  But there are many whole grains, oatmeal, Cheerios, brown rice, whole grain crackers, even Sun Chips.  At Chipotle?  Choose the brown rice.  Find some whole grains you enjoy and add them to your diet every day.  Whole grains not only provide many more nutrients than refined grains, whole grains have fiber which fills you up.  
  3. Dark Chocolate � not a lot of dark chocolate but a small piece can cut your appetite.  
  4. Water, Not Soda-  sugared soda is loaded with empty calories and all that added sugar.  Drink some water before meals to help feel fuller before you eat.  Drink plain water, sparkling water or unsweetened tea.   
  5. Healthier snacks � give up the junk food and enjoy some healthier snacks like a handful of nuts, apple slices with peanut butter, hummus and veggies.  
  6. Use nonstick pans or PAM � to reduce the calories from oils or butter you use to cook foods.  Or limit the oil, such as a teaspoon or tablespoon of Olive Oil.  
  7. Read the Food Label � look for the amount of fat, amount of saturated fat and calories.  You can�t tell how much sugar is added though by the �sugars�.  You have to look at the ingredients to see if sugar has been added to the food.  If sugar is the first ingredient (like Froot Loops), it isn�t a healthy choice.   
  8. Treat yourself, but not with food � find some ways to treat yourself to keep you motivated.  Time out with friends to a movie, a game.   
  9. Stay Active � less sitting, more moving.  Although MSN stated exercise at least 3 times a week, if you want to keep the weight off, find a way to exercise every day.  
  10. Load up on Veggies � fill your plate with many veggies � very healthy and low in calories as long as the veggie isn�t French fries.  Avoid fried veggies and focus on steamed. 
Try some of these tips this week.  Share them with your friends.
 Sources:   35 simple tips to help you lose weight and keep it off too!  Gourmandize articleImage source:  Ezekiel bread

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Tuesday 30 September 2014


Having a plan is so important in our success in life and health.  I think this quote says it well: �A goal without a plan is just a wish.�  When something is planned out and written down, not only is the motivation kicked up, but also the personal challenge to reach that goal increased.  Besides, it is a written plan right in front of our face, and not something that we are only thinking about and may put into place someday.  See the difference?  If we are good stewards of our money for example, we are budgeting for expenses with our income and successfully paying our mortgages, rents, and overall bills.  Without that budget plan in place, I am sure we can all agree a huge financial mess would be the result of our irresponsibility.  Planning takes responsibility and a commitment to do what is best for our life and health.  Failing to plan sets us up for failure. 

Let�s get back to the plan and what it takes to put a health related goal into place.  I highly recommend an accountability journal to plan out strategies for exercise scheduling and also a healthy food tracking area to record food intake daily.  I also like to keep track of water intake, sleep and my overall mental game.  Tracking your weight on a scale one time per week is also motivational to see your progress and to ensure that the plan is working.  When the plan fails to function, it is never the goal that changes, but the plan or program.  Finding what works for each of us is a trial, error and fine tuning of our plan until we see the results of our investments. Just as it is exciting to pay down debt with a responsible budget plan, it is equally or even more exciting to reduce our waist lines through our commitment to the plan of adopting a healthy lifestyle. 

Everybody understands the need and importance of money to support our lives and my goal is to convey that our health banks are even more important. Imagine not balancing our checkbooks and leaving out transactions each day to the point of not knowing the balance.  Accounts would be overdrawn, additional fees paid, collectors knocking at the door, and stress increased tenfold.  That same analogy can be applied to our daily exercise and food intake.  If we do not balance our food intake, write down what is consumed, or never record our exercise expenditure, we are setting ourselves up for weight gain, increased risk of disease and illness, increased stress, and eventually doctors knocking at the door. Looking at how important a plan is for success in these terms should motivate all of us to implement them today. 

Living a healthy life is not a guessing game or a wish and we are only kidding ourselves when we run around without a plan.  Success comes when daily habits of eating healthy and moving our bodies are made a planned priority. Do we sweep our money responsibilities under the rug?  Well, I suppose some may but the outcome is always an unhealthy consequence in doing so.  How much more important is our health and that so many people do just that, sweep it under the rug.  Let�s turn the goals of obtaining a fit body into more than just a wish by starting today with a plan for adopting a healthy lifestyle. 

Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Remember to subscribe and never miss a free update. 

Be well and Stay Healthy 

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Tuesday 12 August 2014


Sabotage is a strong word to describe the behavior that can sneak into our life and steal the success that healthy eating and exercise has provided our bodies.  It can come in the form of our own thoughts, an unsupportive spouse, friend, and even co-workers. The important thing is to be on guard so that the forms of sabotage can be recognized and dealt with in a way that is healthy, and keeping us on track with our fitness goals. I am not addressing the occasional cheat meal or even day, I am talking about a chronic issue of falling into a trap of being swayed away from a healthy lifestyle, and allowing that to happen.

Living a healthy lifestyle takes mental strength and a loving commitment to maintain our best self through consistent healthy choices each day. Let�s address self-sabotage and how it can creep into our mind and try to convince that �just this once� or �just a few bites� can become part of the healthy plan.  The issue with this type of sabotage is that it does not stop at the �just once or a few bites�.  Often times, this mindset flows into several days, weeks, and even months, and before it is over, the weight loss achieved is back up to where it started, and possibly more than the initial weight. Convincing ourselves that eating crap on a regular basis is never a good thing for our bodies, and remaining on guard so that self-sabotage can be recognized and dealt with immediately is crucial to stay on track with our fitness and health goals. Keeping a daily fitness journal is a helpful accountability tool to keep us on track.

Another sabotage culprit is that wonderful person you live with until death do you part.  Love has nothing to do with sabotage of this type and the non-supportive spouse may not get the whole new health thing or does and is struggling with acceptance of your new healthy lifestyle.  There are many relationships like this and living a healthy lifestyle becomes difficult, as the processed foods and other temptations continue to hide in your pantry and refrigerator.  Sometimes, a spouse turned healthy and leaving the other behind can cause friction in the relationship as guilt trips occur over the change in lifestyle.  It is so important to realize that each person is ready when they are ready and force-feeding a new healthy lifestyle on your spouse will only drive a wedge in the relationship.  As the one wanting to live a healthy lifestyle, model by example, and when the cupcakes come calling, politely say �no thank you� and grab a yogurt and piece of fruit to eat along with your partner. Mental strength has to be on overtime in these circumstances as there will be a daily guarantee of temptation.  Keep that promise of creating your best healthy self and great positive attitude, and almost assuredly your spouse will eventually join you.  Patience will be your best friend here.

Sabotage among friends exists and it can be ugly.  Creating a healthy lifestyle will mean making hard choices and dismissing ourselves from possible temptations that will steal our accomplishments. Some friends may not understand that you no longer want to eat processed foods or drink alcohol all night long, and are happy to provide the peer pressure to get you to fold on your commitment to self.  A strong mental game is definitely a requirement and sometimes a request of support from your friend will be necessary.  A true friend will understand and come alongside of such an important decision and one that does not care will continue to sabotage your efforts. If you continue to hear that it is OK to let your hair down and relax with your program on a continual basis from a so-called friend, you may want to re-think the motives of this friend.  It is unfortunate, but jealousy does exist and can rear an ugly head during such times, and some may not be able accept that your body is changing in beautiful positive ways.  The important thing in this type of situation is to be true to you, regardless of what is said or pressure felt.  Going out can be limited to a glass of wine and water in addition to healthy food selection.  Continue to enjoy your life and implement the healthy choices and the rest will take care of itself.

It seems like there is no safe place for the healthy person to hide from the forms of sabotage and the workplace is no stranger to being involved.  Do you have a break-room filled with daily temptation, or that co-worker who always brings the donuts and gladly sets one on your desk? Put up the mental defense when it comes to accepting sabotage at work because you do have more control here.  Bringing a cooler filled with your healthy planned meals will keep your fingers off the bagels and cream cheese with a side of cookies.  Be stronger than the saboteur and say �thanks but no thanks� to the invitation of work indulgence eating.  If a strong mental game is not put into play, visiting the break-room can become a daily occurrence with the results showing up on the waist line, and a complete derail of the healthy lifestyle you want to implement.

Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Remember to subscribe and never miss a free update.

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Saturday 26 April 2014

How to get rid of cellulite?

Hello. I would like to write a quick article that will show you

how to remove cellulite easy

! I would like first to start with a few fat removal tips:
1) One very important thing to pay attention to is water! It's really essential to drink plenty of water every day! Hydrating your body is important, this will keep your skin cells fresh! And, this will prevent the cellulite appearance. I can talk a lot about the healthy benefit of water. It's important to have a bottle of water almost everywhere with you. That's why most athletes drink a lot of water before, after and even during a competition -> because the body consumes water and in any moment, it could be not enough. For example, you can start with a glass of water early in the morning even before your glass of tea or coffee.

2) Another think to pay attention to is your eating habitat! It's really important to eat fruits and vegetables. They have a high water content which will help your body be hydrated too! Moreover, there is nothing more healthier for you than fruits and vegetables. You should FORGET about fast foods... A quick example of what you could try are raw vegetables (broccoli, carrots, raw salad greens, etc.) that are packed with nutrients, antioxidants and of course water. For a breakfast, a cup of almond milk, a cup of spinach and for example a half banana or a kiwi would be a great start of the day! Don't forget that if you follow such a diet, you will see a difference in the amount of cellulite your body has in a really short period of time and you will start to

completely remove cellulite


3) You should eat healthy fats! In most cases cellulite is caused by the fat under the skin. If you would like the cellulite to be invisible or not being noticeable, you should have healthy skin. A few foods to achieve this are olives, nuts, fish, avocados, etc.

4) Now let me show you a few things you should avoid while eating. Fried foods (fries, chicken...), foods high in sugar (like candy, soda, baked goods). Yes, they are sweet, but they can be a reason for your body to gain cellulite! Also, foods high in salt could cause your body to retain water (like canned soup, dips and dressings). Another important thing that most people don't know is alcohol... It can be a good REASON for your body to gain weight and retain water especially if it's paired with a soda or a cranberry juice...

Here is a presentation with a

good cellulite removal tip

that would be really useful. Check it out: Cellulite removal guide.
Cellulite removal tricks
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ChingLabs research chemicals Vendor

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Monday 17 March 2014

The Weight Watchers' Calculator

Photo credit:

Have you ever used the Weight Watchers' Pro Points calculator whilst doing the Weight Watchers' Diet? I have, as I have been using this diet lately.

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Sunday 16 March 2014

The Weight Watchers Pro Points System Diet and How it Works

Photo credit:

Did you know that the Weight Watchers' Diet now does a new Pro Points system allowance that you can stick to, which will give you an extra 49 Pro Points to use at the weekends?

I have been doing this diet lately and I find it easy to manage.

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Saturday 15 March 2014

The Weight Watchers' Diet Foods That You Can Buy in Supermarkets

The Weight Watchers' Diet is an easy diet to do. Here is a bit of information about the foods you can eat.

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Thursday 27 February 2014

The 5:2 Diet is a Great Way to an Easy Lifestyle When Trying to Lose Weight

Have you heard of the 5:2 diet? This is a weight loss diet where you can fast for 2 days per week and then eat normally the rest of the time.

Photo credit: Denise Larkin

It sounds too easy and it is, as I have done this diet.

I have lost most of my weight doing the 5:2 diet.

Would you like to know how much I have lost? Read on and find out.

Read more �

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Friday 3 January 2014


Many of you may be in the process of reflection, but truly it is something that should be done on a daily basis, and not only when the New Year rolls around.  The word itself screams to take a look at me/you/us and speaking personally, I include all areas of my life and not just my physical well-being.  I imagine a big mirror in front of me and gazing into that, I ask myself�am I happy with the person that I am physically, emotionally and spiritually? If any of the answers come up as a big negative, it is time to implement a change to create a better, healthier ME.  It is hard to deny the things that need fixing when I am staring back at me waiting for the action to make that happen.  Of course, I can close my eyes, put the mirror away, brush things under the rug, and procrastinate and get to it later�or not, and well, just continue to live in denial. 

I am a mover and a shaker, and strive to change, progress, and become a better me today than I was yesterday and that takes a choice.  Sure, I could avoid those things that need to be done, because maybe I want to hold onto some sort of drama, negative feelings about the past, or circumstance and continue to play the �blame card� of this is the reason I am the way I am.  I have learned in this journey of life, that this type of thinking results in a life of unhappiness, bitterness, resentment, jealousy, and paralyzes the brain to make appropriate healthy life choices.  Honestly, this type of thinking creates a person that is not a joy to be around unless the company being kept is another negative person also playing the victim card of life.  It is so important in our life reflection to also look at the type of people we associate with, and I always ask myself�does this relationship nourish my soul and grow me in a positive way as a person?

Reflection is huge in the scheme of life and change for the healthy.  It should cause deep thought into living our passions, being real with who we are, and having the ability to share that with ourselves and others.  There is too much hiding behind the crap of excuses, circumstances, and laziness to change and I apologize if that sounds offensive, as my intention is to motivate and never discourage.  Sometimes, a draft of really cold air needs to slap us in the face and wake us up to the reality of what is going on in our own life, and hopefully that leads to taking a step further to change what needs to be changed.  Otherwise, we continue to go along living a �fake� life, hiding behind �out of our control� drama, negativity, and looking for validation for unhealthy habits.  What is even sadder, is enablement of this type of lifestyle�YES, there are those who feed into the ugliness of negative and validate the behavior which enables someone caught in this shit storm to continue living this way. 

Reflection also causes us to see our physical self in a way that makes us happy or not.  What it comes down to is me/you/us and the mirror, standing naked before the reflection and staring back at the image, we need to ask �do I LOVE what I see�.  It is important to always love yourself at every level of health and as long as steps are being taken to become a healthier us each day.  If the answer to the question is �no�, then what steps need to be implemented to change this?  Be honest here and strive for the happiness that you want, the health that you need and deserve.  If you tell me that you are happy in an unhealthy state and if I shared that with you�how would that make sense?  The point I am trying to make, is that we all have our best healthy-self hidden inside what may be an unhealthy body today, but that does not mean that tomorrow needs to remain the same.   Reflection requires that hard honest look and further to take the actions necessary to bring about changes that move us in a progressive healthy direction. 

Reflection is not a fad or temporary fix, but part of the process to make a LIFESTYLE change and create a healthy body that will be maintained for life. Reflection causes us to get into our �mental game� and start putting the puzzle pieces together of what is wrong and how does it get fixed.  It all starts with what is going on between the ears, and once the reflection is honestly accepted, and the feelings that go with that, then changes can begin to create a healthier person, and then that lifestyle change will create a reflection that we will be happy to know for a lifetime.

Enjoy a beautiful and healthy Happy New Year!!!!

Me and My Mom

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!



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Tuesday 12 November 2013



"This really appealed to me in such a POSITIVE way. Life is about our journey, and the CHOICES that we make to become better people in ways that make sense to us. I think about the word "health" and what that really encompasses and it is not just a number on a scale but a combination of emotional, spiritual, physical and nutritional. I live my life the way I want to and some may like it and some may not, but it is MY LIFE, just as YOUR life belongs to YOU. We all have differing issues, possible medical problems and limitations, overwhelming life stresses, and those behind closed doors secrets that may greatly impact our life, and that we simply choose not to share with others. Those things belong to us, and sifting through and creating answers to our individual stories is what matters and doing so to become a healthier happier person in all areas of "health" is what counts. There is never a "one size fits all" answer to our fitness and nutrition programs, how we serve God, and how we choose to live our life. We are NOT generic people made to fit in some sort of "health" box coming out the other side all fixed. That is just not reality. What I enjoy may not be what you enjoy, what I eat may not be what you like to eat; the service I give to God may not be how you honor get my point. I never fall for gimmicks that claim that this is the "only way" to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Really??? Based on what? When each of us walk a mile in each other's shoes, then we "might" have the ability to make such claim, but I will always be the type of MOTIVATOR that realizes that life and the journey to health is different for everyone, and I will do my best to provide the correct encouragement for YOU."


I shared the above post on my Facebook page last week as I was inspired after seeing a motivational poster and  reading several articles on the whole controversial �what�s your excuse� image that has been receiving both positive and negative feedback.  I am a believer of intention and positive messages shared through my life and stories.  I share because I am inspired to write and through that I am hopeful to help someone adapt a healthier lifestyle, whatever that may mean in a life and in that moment.  My intention is never to discourage, but to be a motivator through my passion of helping people.  Sometimes, images and statements can be miscommunicated which is why I am not a huge fan of texting as so many things can get lost in translation.  I believe that much misinterpretation occurred with the controversial image and that is one thing that a picture is unable to do�explain intention.  The originator intended one thing, the audience perceived something completely different.  The laughable part of the whole scenario is that all publicity is good publicity in the world of marketing, and one controversial image regardless of intention is now the beginning of either a great opportunity to further help people through the exposure, or a lost chance that will eventually fade due to inability to keep the audience captured.


I will share that I am a �NO EXCUSES� trainer when it comes to people giving me reasons why health is not a priority.  I do not hear that �my health is not a priority� stated in those words from people, but I hear it through the underlying messages of �I am too busy�, �I am unable to cook�, �I am unable to afford a trainer or membership�, �My kids need me, my husband or wife wants this kind of food�, �My work does not allow�, �I am on the road constantly�, �I have no time to shop�, and the list goes on and on.  The point is that I do not accept or believe that anyone is too busy to take care of their health. When I post an image of myself, it is not for the intention of saying �hey, check this out and you should look like this�, it is for motivation to share that I am almost 50, have gone through major physical and emotional adversity, and have come out the other side healthy and happy.  My career is my passion and I do walk the talk of consistent exercise and healthy eating, and I share that with my clients, family, friends, and anyone who will listen to me.  I will not tell anyone to implement a �my way is the only way� approach to health, fitness and overall wellness as that is not true.  I am confident in my teaching and my example, and know that it works, but intelligent enough to respect and research other avenues.  Shoot, I enjoy learning from my clients when they have researched a topic. In my book, we are in this world together, working together to be the best we can be.  I do not have the expectation that my clients or you will exercise like me, or maintain nutritional intake as I do.  I may make things look easy but I bet if I came to your job and I was able to watch what you do, I would think the same thing of you. The only expectation that I have is that healthier habits are formed and an eventual healthy LIFESTYLE is adapted and whatever that looks like to each person that I have had the opportunity to work with is an A+ in my book.  I always grade on a curve too as we are not perfect people, but always works in progress.   What it comes down to is that we all KNOW WHAT TO DO�right?  The problem lies in not accepting what we already know needs to be done to be healthier people.  It is my life, your life, our lives and how we CHOOSE to live each day is up to each and every one of us.  I do not want you to look like me, exercise like me, or eat like me because I am doing a great job living my life.  I am hopeful that you are sparked to make healthy choices for you, to implement exercise routines that you enjoy, to start cooking healthy foods that you like, and to look in your mirror and say I want to look like a healthy ME.


Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!


Stay Healthy~


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