Sunday 30 August 2015

Is cheese healthy?

Who doesn�t like cheese?  Cheese pizza, grilled cheese sandwiches, cheese and crackers.  Many studies have been done on cheese and its health benefits.  So what is the latest � is cheese healthy or bad for our hearts and bodies?

The recent issue of the Wellness Letter from the University of California reported on the latest cheese research (Say Cheese?, September 2015). 

They noted the French consume a lot of cheese as I can verify having visited France last year.  Cheese and bread at breakfast, cheese and bread at lunch.  The French love their cheese.  Yet, the French have relatively low heart disease rates.  Why?
  •  Heart Health � many people say cheese is not good for your heart because cheese has some bad fat in it, saturated fat.  A study in 2013 found no link between eating a lot of cheese and heart disease.  Another 2012 study found followed Swedish women for 12 years.  Surprisingly, the women who ate the most cheese had the lowest rate of heart attacks.  Other studies found that butter does raise your bad cholesterol, LDL but cheese does not.
  • Diabetes � rather than raise your blood glucose, cheese seems to help stabilize it.  A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that cheese and yogurt improved insulin sensitivity and control of blood glucose levels.  A Swedish study found that woman consuming cheese had a lower risk of diabetes.  They aren�t sure why but cheese does have fat and this slows stomach emptying which means less of a rise in blood sugar levels.
  • Anticancer � The more dairy the less your risk of colon cancer probably because of the calcium in dairy and thus in cheese.  But other studies have been mixed as to whether cheese consumption reduces cancer risk.
  • Weight � many studies have been done on dairy and weight.  A recent study suggests that cheese consumption is associated with less weight gain and may help a person control their weight.  A study in the Journal of Nutrition involving obese and overweight women found that those who consumer a high protein and a high dairy diet, exercised, restricted calories not only lost weight but loss more fat and gained muscle.
  • Cavities � what does cheese have to do with cavities?  First, cheese doesn�t promote cavities and some research shows it may help prevent cavities.  Cheese helps build up the minerals in your teeth, the calcium, phosphorus and even protein promote mineralization.
  • Nutrients � cheese is loaded with good nutrients: calcium, protein, vitamin A, B12, B2, zinc and other nutrients.  But most cheese has no or little vitamin D so milk or yogurt are needed to meet vitamin D needs. 

So enjoy some cheese this week.  If you want to cut back on the calories from cheese, choose part-skim mozzarella, mozzarella sticks, feta cheese, part-skim ricotta cheese, 2% cheddar, 2% Swiss which are made with 2% milk.  

Sources:  The Best Low-Fat Cheeses, Say Cheese?  Image source:  Cheese sticks

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Sunday 23 August 2015

Low Carb or Low Fat?

How often do we hear people say, �I am watching my carbs?� So many people think cutting back on carbs is the best way to lose some weight.  But is this true?  Should you cut back on fat calories or carb calories?  A recent study posted by WebMD looks at carbs vs fats.  Which diet burns more fat and which diet would lead to lasting weight loss?

The title of the WebMD article gives away the study findings:  Low-Carb Diets Don't Work the Way We Thought.
  • Low carb diets � do they really �melt away the fat�?  Melt away your belly fat?   One theory behind low carb diets is that eating less carbs lowers your insulin levels in your blood.  Since insulin promotes fat storage, less insulin less fat storage.  Is this true?  The newest study says �NO�
  • Study � NIH studied 19 overweight adults.   For 11 days, they lived in a special room and everything they ate was monitored.  They even captured the air they breathed to measure exactly how many calories they burned and if they were burning calories from fat, carbs or protein.
  • Baseline  � participants ate a �normal� diet of 50% carbs, 35% fat and 15% protein � their baseline diet.
  • Low Carb  � for 6 days participants ate a diet with 30% less calories, less calories from carbs � the low carb diet plan.  Fat and protein calories remained the same as the baseline diet.
  • Low Fat -  for 6 days (after a few weeks break from the low carb diet) � calories were cut from fat, with protein and carbs remaining the same.
So what diet was the best at losing fat?  Surprisingly:

�People lost more total fat on the low-fat diet than they did when they were eating the low-carb diet.� says author Kevin Hall, PhD. 

Not only was this finding a surprise but just as surprising was the change in metabolism:

�And cutting fat didn�t appear to slow metabolism, while cutting carbs did.�  The study found that cutting back on carbs lead to metabolism slowing by about 100 calories a day.  Cutting back on fat, metabolism did not slow down.

So cutting carbs slows your metabolism?  Who would want to be on a low-carb diet if doing so, slows your metabolism?

The study shows your metabolism does change on a low carb diet or on a low fat diet.  A low-carb diet does lead to fat loss but not as much fat loss as not eating all the fat in the first place.
Bottom line � if you are interested in losing weight:
Cut the Fat,  Keep the Carbs

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Sunday 14 June 2015

Diet Mistakes You Might be Making

We all know people who are on a diet.  Usually some fad diet that they can�t stay on for a life time.  How often do we hear, �I am off my diet.�   �I am back on my diet.�   What are some diet mistakes that can sabotage your weight loss goals?  WebMD has a great article, 10 Diet Mistakes and How to Avoid Them.
  1. Crash diets � Many of us want to lose weight but not slow and steady, we want to lose it now.  So crash diets sound appealing.  When you lose weight that fast you not only lose water and fat but also muscle tissue.   Eating under 1200 calories a day can slow your metabolism and slow your chances of losing weight.  Go off this crash diet and the weight comes back as you haven�t changed your lifestyle and eating habits. 
  2.  Skipping Breakfast � seems like an easy way to cut back on calories.  I was doing a diet recall on a friend who said they never ate breakfast.  Yet, when they got to work they went to the snack machine and got a donut, a candy bar or other high calorie �snack�.  Skipping the most important meal of the day lead to hunger mid-morning and snacking on unhealthy, high calorie foods.  Or, the person overeats at lunch because they are starving and then they pack even more calories.  Choose a breakfast high in protein and high in fiber to fill you up and stave off the hunger pains.
  3. Snacks � who doesn�t love snacks?  Many people eat normally at meals but then nibble all day on snacks.  If you are counting calories, the snacks count too.  Use Apps on your Smartphone like LoseIt! to track your meals and snacks.  Or choose healthy snacks like fruit, vegetables.   Or, find those 100 calorie snack packs.
  4. Avoiding snacks � snacking can be a good thing as those who eat 3 smaller meals a day plus snacks have a better chance of controlling their hunger.  Focusing on protein-rich snacks can rev up your metabolism.  A handful of nuts are a good protein snack.
  5. Low fat � cutting back on high fat foods is a good choice.  Limiting fried foods like cutting back on French fries, fried chips, fried chicken will cut back on calories.  But carefully choose low fat products as many are loaded with sugar.  I tried a low fat mayonnaise in and egg salad only to have the egg salad taste sweet like I had added sugar.  Looking at the label, they had taken out fat but added sugar and added calories.  Better to have a smaller portion of a regular fat food than all that added sugar.
  6. Calories in your Beverages � cutting back on beverages high in added sugar is always a good idea.  In the South sugared iced tea is popular but loaded with calories.  Most restaurants offer unsweetened tea.  If you are trying to cut back, fill up the glass with mostly unsweetened and top off with some sweetened or just add one pack of sugar to your unsweetened tea.  Sugared soft drinks, many sports drinks are loaded with sugar and a good way to cut some calories.  Drink water instead.
  7. Water � fill up on water.  Drink some water when you get up, before meals, any time you feel thirsty.  Dehydration slows you metabolism so keep hydrated.
  8. Avoiding Dairy is Not a Good Idea � many fad diets cut back on dairy and thus cut back on the important nutrients dairy provides like calcium and vitamin D.  Not to mention the protein in dairy is a very high quality protein.  WebMD notes:  Some research suggests the body burns more fat when it gets enough calcium and produces more fat when it�s calcium-deprived.  So choose low-fat dairy, low fat yogurt, 1% or fat free milk, low fat cheeses.
  9. Avoid the Drive-Through � Fast foods are loaded with calories.  Sure you could order the salad or other healthier choices but going to a fast food place just offers a lot of temptation for the milk shake, fries or other unhealthy options.  WebMD notes:  People who ate fast food more than twice a week gained 10 more pounds than those who had it less than once a week.    
  10. Unrealistic Goals � Many people want to lose a lot of weight and lose it fast.  But the most successful are those who chose realistic goals like 1-2 pounds a week, focus on an eating pattern they can maintain for life and adding in exercise so they don�t have to cut back on food so much. 

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Sunday 8 November 2009

Best Weight Loss Hints And Tricks. Must See!!!

You are looking for an incredible way to lose weight and to be slim, aren't you? You have been reading a lot of articles for weight loss, but without any result? You are trying a lot of diets and you can't change anything? Don�t worry. I would give you now some more information about the best Fat Binder Product. Nowadays over 30% of people are having problems with their weight. Like so many of them, there are a lot of guys, who just try to be slim while going to the gym or running, etc. Nevertheless, this is not 100% healthy. Now, something more about the product, I am promoting. I'll try to give you the best pros of this product, so it could be useful for you too. To begin with, it is clinically proven and it is recommended by a lot of world-famous doctors. Because this is not just the best way to lose weight, but also a way to do it healthy and incredibly fast. What is the secret? Well, there is no secret. With more than 4-5 years experience, this product is proven with its 100% effect. Now the products are with up to 20% discount. So, don't lose time. Furthermore, it is very cheap. Once you try it, you will love this product. I am 100% sure. So, don't lose any more time. Read more about Proactol and if you order today, you would be able to gain the control of your weight.

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Sunday 18 October 2009

What is Weight Loss in Some Words and Could You Lose Your Weight With a Diet?

I am sure that you find yourself in different situations. Especially nowadays, there are many people that just "ignore" this person that looks fat. Yes, but that is a problem maybe for a lot of people worldwide. No matter you are a kid or an old person, your weight is something you do not really need.

Yes. There are some diseases, which make you fat. But about this nobody can make anything. By the way, a lot of celebrities have this problem, but won't tell it in front of the public. So, but our thread is what is weight loss? This is a strange method of becoming really thin. But there are some unnatural and dangerous methods of losing weight. The best way of course is with a diet. Like so many discussions online, I will tell you only the result of each of them. Eating a little is not dangerous.

For example three up to four times per day. Eating a vegetable for a breakfast (apple, banana, etc.) Then for a lunch you can take a small portion of something without any fats (this, you know the best for yourself). For afternoon you can drink some milk or just another vegetable (this is not necessary, but if you feel yourself hungry, then you need to eat something). Better something healthy. For a dinner you could take rice or any sort of salad, with cheese.

Try to eat no more chickens or meat. Yes you can't live without them (I know that this would be your answer). But read below: According to a lot of people "fast food" is more useful than the lunch for example, which you can make at home. Yes it is really fast, but is it healthy? No and I will tell you why. This food contains a lot of fats. Anyway if you need something different you could try pizza for example, but nothing with meat (I repeat this!!). There are hundreds of diet recipes online, so you can take a look for some. Thank you for your time and I hope that I was useful. Have a nice day and BE HEALTHY!!!

I also have another method of losing weight incredibly fast and healthy. You can read more about it on this website.

The professional company myhealthyoutlet provides all the information on Echinacea.

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Wednesday 8 July 2009

Why do you have to be slim?

To be a slim person is one very important thing nowadays. Whatever you do, in most cases you need a lot of energy- e.g. playing with your son/daughter, exersises in the gym, running (for sportists), etc. There are a lot of made up and unreal products online. If you want, try and you will see. If you write in google

weight loss

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Sunday 31 May 2009

The most effective method of weight loss

I am sure a lot of people have said that in order to be a slim person, you have to stay hours every day at the gym, and not only that, you have to follow a diet, and that's very nasty. Now I will present you some other methods to you, so you will be able to lose your weight in no more than one month.

Of course the easiest way to do this is to use the 100% natural FAT BINDERS. They can make your lifestyle easier. But now I am sure, you don't believe me. Yes, it's normally. But take a look at the information below and you will change your mind.

If you try to look over the Internet for other product, you are going to find maybe over 100 supplements. But are you sure that they are natural, cheap, really work and didn't affect on your health? I can answer this Question: No

You will have to read a lot of articles and ask for the review of so many people, just to be sure. Here, I can present you that it's 100% true. :)

But how to do this? How to convince you that it's working. Only to say that I am pretty happy after using it, I think it's not enough. Here, I will copy the result of a discussion that was made by Telegraph. They present the top five methods that could be useful to lose weight. That article was copied in Internet just before some days, but the discussion is from 2008.

The result is very interesting...

1- The most important thing you can do is to eat six times per day. We can say that you have to follow, what you eat. Is this impossible? The result shows that by six meals you will not gain health (which I can't believe at all, but to break your dinner, breakfast and lunch into six meals is very nasty. And if you try this (to follow your meals), you will think that this can prevent you not only from the weight, you gain, but from the destination of the meal.

2- Now after the results, we can say that there are a lot of chemically products available in the online market. But most of them affect on the nervous personal system, whereas Fat Binders don't disturb it- I will say this for maybe hundredth time- it's 100% natural. They work, so as a result they can decrease your weight by 28- 32% if you use it for 2-3 weeks. It was guaranteed because the Telegraph presents only a real information. It was made by a lot of specialists. Now they offer for the best Fat Binder- Proactol.

Visit and try this product for losing weight on and you will be able to offer yourself an excellent method to weight loss- Click here

3- You can't lose the same amount of weight just with exercises, only with a Product- and we are back to number 2. There are a lot of reviews online from people about products, which are making a good solution for weight loss. There is an online forum in their site, which is online 27/7 and this is excellent.

4- But when using these products, you didn't have to forget your breakfast. It's the most important meal during the day. As Telegraph had proved, a healthy breakfast every day can increase your metabolism and keep you fit.

5- And the most important thing- Telegraph advised not to use this much of this product in the first day- first day a little, second more, third-more, etc. And try to make the same with your walk- when using Proactol- try to make a 10 min walk first day without any stress. It's not going to make a negative effect because there aren't any, but you will feel yourself a little tired.

That's the true. Everyone, who needs to be slim, must try these Pills Now:
Lose Weight

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Saturday 23 May 2009

Which other benefits can offer the best product for weight Loss- Proactol?

What are the other benefits:

Proactol can also you offer very easy weight loss. This is the reason for creating this product. But how can Proactol offers you to lose your weight? But, in what way? Now I will present you the way the customers are reviewing Proactol. It's accessible for all ages and also the only thing is to use it without any exercises or other hard things. Proactol can offer you just breaking down. You can relax and join your favourite TV show or just talking with your friends at home or walking around the city. It is made very useful for the people. It's a particular way for weight loss. The only thing you can lose is your weight- Don't forget this!!!


- It can reduce your weight by 28% in average rate and up to 40%

- It has the possibility to cut the calories you have eaten per day up to 450

- Fill your appetite level

- Increase the energy (I am sure you have ever wanted that)

- It can improve your flexibility, it will give you the chance to move yourself easily (I mean you will be able to play a game exactly like a child)

- Without any negative effect

- It will decrease your blood cholesterol

Some other things:

Benefits cannot be said in just 500 words, maybe not in 1,000 too. You have to try it and you will like it. I guarantee that :)

And so, Instead of all the diets your friends are doing just to lose their weight, you will be happy, energetic and thin. Everybody heard about the sport-man, who uses pills to lose weight or about Michael Phelps, who make some new World Records. Is this natural? You will be like your favourite Friends, you will be in the seventh heaven, just try Proactol-Visit Now


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Tuesday 3 March 2009

Instantly Reduce Excess Body Weight!!!

Nowadays there are a lot of diet pills and fat binders. Weight Loss
You need to make very difficult decision to choose the best. And what exactly means the best (How to understand what best suits you?). Today more and more people, like everybody (and maybe you too) think that there are many people, who don't work. The main idea of this product is to be safe and furthermore: EFFECTIVE. But there are lots of diet pills which has the word "Herbal" on the Box. That was made by lots of companies, but anyway the terms "natural" and "herbal", like a lot of people said, it is very effectively and are pretty good to use. This diet pill can make you more attractive and slim person you have always wanted to be and now that can become a fact. You best know when exactly you are at your perfect weight. That is the evidence that so many specialists have given for the best confidence and happiness. The tablet that I gave this information for, is 100% natural and NO negative side effects. More than 200,000 have used this diet plan until now and every day this number is increasing. You are the next one!!!

Order Now!!!

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What can we offer?

Our site offers lots of possibilities for the people to weight loss. Now I will present you how you can make your perfect body just for trying our products. Yes, I believe you always have wanted to be thin, aren't you. NOW YOU CAN!!! With Proactol you can eat a high-calorie food and be thin again and again and forever. Nowadays lots of people use Proactol and all of them are very happy to use it. And these people are from the whole world. So don't be disappointed, now the only thing you have to do in order to "be on cloud nine" is to order now this product!!!

Click Here To Order Proactol From Official Website & Receive FREE Weightloss Bonuses (Limited Time Only)

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Is it hardly to lose weight?

I can answer this Question with just one word- YES!!! It's very hard. Today more and more men (and women too) make exercises and have a place in the gym.
Gym Exercises
But why is this for? After the exercises you are pretty tired and bad-looking. And why? Only to reduce your body weight or to improve your skills (Yes, this is important). But now you have the opportunity to lose weight in some days or a week with the absolutely legal Product Proactol. In this blog you will learn how to make your body stronger and to keep it ever healthy.

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Saturday 28 February 2009

How to lose Weight?!

Are you exhausted from so many exercises you have to do in order to lose weight.

Do you feel the same when you make a healthy diet. Take a look here to learn more about this new product:


Lose weight with the new method:

There are a lot of people, who are looking for a way to lose some weight. They want this way to be a natural one, so they can have perfect body, and excellent health.

This product is 100% natural and it's extracted from traditionally plants in the mountains. Fat binders that can provide you with a good way to lose some weight. There is no RISK. The only thing you are going to lose, is Weight!!!

What exactly are these fat binders, we are promoting?

Let's give an example. You are eating a cheese burger. It's very good. When this burger go down to the stomach, it will produce fat that could be very dangerous for you and especially for your health. From here it's enough a single burger per day. Otherwise, your body will not be in the perfect style. These fat binders can also make a molecules that absorbed some of this fat, and make it decrease. It uses a special chemically weight loss method, which has an evidence by a lot of doctors and specialists.

But if this is not enough, take a look below:


They have the ability to make people reducing their weight. It's very effective with the meal portions it can REMOVE.

The best result: After you use this product, you will see a result in the very first day. This is why, so many people are using it.

Why do you have to try these fat binders?

It has a special suppressant, which can make your brain think "By Force" that your body is full and can't fill anymore. But that's not true. You will refill your hunger faster than ever. It will cut your appetite signal from the brain and makes you feel in perfect mood.

Very interesting fact:

The fat binders also "Work" without your help. You can play, drink coffee, drive your car, etc. and this product will work alone.

Why do you have to choose this product?


There is no risk, you will lose only your weight.

Now you will see the best product in this area. It can remove the problem you have. Other products will delete the fat for more than a month. This is very slow, and you will have some other problems... With this, you won't find any negative effects and you will feel yourself ever in a comfortable situation.

I think that in the media, from TV, from the radio and maybe from lots of your friends you are told a lot of advertisements for many products for weight losing. They are all promoting a special way to lose weight, some with exercises, some with diet plans, but this product is ALL IN ONE.


The answer you can give to my question is not enough to learn the most important info you need. Let's say for example the product: Proactol. It has two years experience and is voted number one in each chart for the best product to lose weight. With more than 90% positive votes, there is any other product which makes people feel happy.

When you use "Proactol" you have the ability to eat a lot, without increasing your health. You can have the most important eating during the day- the healthy breakfast. Every exercise the people are doing in the fitness can also be done with this product. Now the specialists offer this product with a lot of benefits.


The most important advantages are:

You will have a lower blood cholesterol

You will increase your energy level

You will feel a reduction in the food, you need during the day

This reduction is up to 450 calories per day

Without negative effects


And finally, people can take "Proactol" and they can be sure that it's 100% natural, and they will be happy in just one week- they will be in perfect health. They don't need to make any exercises. Two words only: THE BEST!!!

Now you can offer your body a perfect solution to lose weight.

Visit And try it now- Click here


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Happy People who used this Healthy Diet



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Be ThinBe Happy


A lot of medical Doctors all over the world have recomended Proactol. For example, here are the Words of Dr. Adam Carey:

Dr. Adam Carey

Dr. Adam Carey is a health expert and he is known worldwide. He is also a co-presenter for the three series of 'Celebrity Fit Club' and for Sky Ones program ' Change the Day you Die'.

Until now he has over 20 years experience in the Health World and also in reproductive endocrinology.

Many groups of elite athletes and celebrities are advised by Dr. Carey to use this diet plan. In this number of people are including a lot of football teams and Cricket board too.

He is a director in lots of companies for charity, but his almost job is "Director of Nutrition for the England Rugby Football Union and Nutrition Director for ' Focus on Food'".

100% Healthy and Medically proven product.

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Healthy or Unhealthy Diet?!

Unhealthy Diet

Healthy Diet
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