Sunday 19 July 2015

Nutrition Tips

What are some easy nutrition tips to eat healthier?   Eat This Not That  has some easy nutrition tips to follow: 
  1. Out of Sight, Out of Mind - Hide the junk food and make healthier food more visible.  A study at Google noted that people ate less M & M�s if put in an opaque container.  They ate more fruit and nuts when these were displayed prominently.  In fact, staff ate 3.1 million less calories of M & M�s in an opaque container in seven weeks� time.
  2. The 1 in 10 Rule:   Look at the nutrient label and for every 10 grams of carbs, look for at least one gram of fiber or 10 carbs:1 fiber.    Why is this important?  You want to have whole grains in your diet and this is the ratio of carbs to fiber in whole grains.  A study in the Public Health Nutrition journal found that carbs with the 10:1 ratio had less sodium, less sugar and less trans fats.
  3. Cut calories by boosting flavor:  in the nutrition course I teach students have to modify a lasagna recipe to make it healthier.  One group took out all the spices and herbs not realizing these provided not only flavor but nutrients and essentially no calories.  Adding herbs and spices is an easy way to add flavor without the calories and without adding fat.  And if you add herbs and spices you can cut back on the sodium and still have a flavorful entree or side dish.
  4. Whole fruit vs Juice?  Although juicing is popular right now, eating whole fruit has its advantages.  Eat at least 2 servings of whole fruit a week to cut your risk of type 2 diabetes by 23 percent. 
  5. �Eat Before You Eat�  sounds like odd advice. But a cup of broth, a glass of water, an apple can reduce how much you eat at a meal by up to 20%.  This would be especially helpful at a restaurant as restaurant meals can pack a lot of calories.  The Journal of the American Medical Association notes the average restaurant meal provides 1,128 calories so cutting that by 20% would save you 225 calories.
  6. Stay hydrated and drink that water:  According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, drinking 17 ounces of water (a little over 2 cups) can raise your metabolic rate, thus burning up more calories.  So drink more water to rev up your metabolism.  The researchers in this study noted that adding 6 cups of water a day would burn up a lot of calories over the course of a year, about 17,400 calories. 

 For all 10 tips, go to The 10 Best Nutrition Tips Ever.

Sources:   The 10 Best Nutrition Tips Ever, Image source:  Drinking water

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Sunday 26 April 2015

How to lose weight and keep it off

This  week my husband saw an interesting slide show on MSN health and fitness, 35 simple tips to help you lose weight and keep it off too!   They have some great suggestions.   Their focus: We're not talking about drastic measures here, but quick and easy changes you can make in your daily life to help you achieve your weight loss goals.  If you want to see all 35 tips, click the link.  Here are a few they highlighted:   
  1.  Don�t give up your favorite foods � how often do you hear someone say, �I ate a cookie and blew my diet.�  Nonsense, as Joyce Meyer says, �eat the cookie�.  But don�t eat the whole box.  MSN recommends limiting the number of times you eat your favorite or junk food to once a week and eat less of it than you normally do.  
  2.  Opt for Whole grains � so many people forgo the whole grains when they are such a healthy addition to your diet.  My relatives are now into Ezekiel bread, a whole grain bread and quite nutritious.  But there are many whole grains, oatmeal, Cheerios, brown rice, whole grain crackers, even Sun Chips.  At Chipotle?  Choose the brown rice.  Find some whole grains you enjoy and add them to your diet every day.  Whole grains not only provide many more nutrients than refined grains, whole grains have fiber which fills you up.  
  3. Dark Chocolate � not a lot of dark chocolate but a small piece can cut your appetite.  
  4. Water, Not Soda-  sugared soda is loaded with empty calories and all that added sugar.  Drink some water before meals to help feel fuller before you eat.  Drink plain water, sparkling water or unsweetened tea.   
  5. Healthier snacks � give up the junk food and enjoy some healthier snacks like a handful of nuts, apple slices with peanut butter, hummus and veggies.  
  6. Use nonstick pans or PAM � to reduce the calories from oils or butter you use to cook foods.  Or limit the oil, such as a teaspoon or tablespoon of Olive Oil.  
  7. Read the Food Label � look for the amount of fat, amount of saturated fat and calories.  You can�t tell how much sugar is added though by the �sugars�.  You have to look at the ingredients to see if sugar has been added to the food.  If sugar is the first ingredient (like Froot Loops), it isn�t a healthy choice.   
  8. Treat yourself, but not with food � find some ways to treat yourself to keep you motivated.  Time out with friends to a movie, a game.   
  9. Stay Active � less sitting, more moving.  Although MSN stated exercise at least 3 times a week, if you want to keep the weight off, find a way to exercise every day.  
  10. Load up on Veggies � fill your plate with many veggies � very healthy and low in calories as long as the veggie isn�t French fries.  Avoid fried veggies and focus on steamed. 
Try some of these tips this week.  Share them with your friends.
 Sources:   35 simple tips to help you lose weight and keep it off too!  Gourmandize articleImage source:  Ezekiel bread

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